




ワクチン危険! ワクチンやめろ!









  • 論文は新型コロナウイルスのスパイクタンパク質について研究したものです。新型コロナワクチンで作られるスパイクタンパク質は、新型コロナウイルスのスパイクタンパク質を改良したものであり、この研究結果をそのままワクチンにあてはめることはできません。
  • この研究結果は、生きている動物やヒトによる試験で再現されておらず、臨床的および生理学的な妥当性が確認されていません。
  • 実験の詳細について不明点が多いこと、様々な配慮が不十分であることなどが指摘されています。
  • 2021年12月22日、この論文に対する懸念が提起され、詳細な調査が開始されました。



An Oct. 13 paper claiming that the spike protein can cause DNA damage has circulated on social media, causing uncertainty about whether these findings are relevant to the COVID-19 vaccines.

The lab-based context in which the study was conducted, however, limits its relevance to real life conditions outside the lab. And the study’s findings should not be directly translated to the COVID-19 vaccines, which use modified versions of the spike protein.

The study in question

Researchers from two Swedish universities introduced into isolated human kidney cells genetic material containing instructions to produce different proteins that make up the COVID-19 virus, including the spike protein. They then examined where these proteins are primarily located in the cell, and tested whether the proteins affected the cell’s DNA damage repair system.

The researchers found that spike proteins were present in the cell nucleus, the part of the cell that houses DNA. They attributed a reduction in DNA repair efficiency to hindered recruitment of specific proteins involved in the repair process.

Their findings differ from previous studies that have found the spike protein to be located primarily outside the nucleus. Studies on the related coronavirus that causes SARS have also found its spike protein to be located in areas outside the nucleus.

Relevance to vaccines

There are three main types of COVID-19 vaccines that are currently available or being tested in the U.S. Each one involves introducing modified versions of the spike protein to the body in order to prime the immune system to recognize the COVID-19 virus and build defenses against it. This modified version of the spike protein prevents it from assuming the structure that would normally allow it to fuse with the membranes of other cells, unlike the spike protein coded for in the kidney cell study.

Unanswered questions also remain.

“There are a lot of caveats before we can say there is a direct correlation between the vaccines and DNA repair,” said Andre Hudson, head of the Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences of the Rochester Institute of Technology.

One question, for example, is how the genetic material introduced into the kidney cells directed spike protein production: Was it the presence of the spike protein itself, or was it an overabundance of protein that led to their findings?

Another question is replication: Can these findings be reproduced in other cell types or viruses that also use spike proteins? Does the age of the cells matter? “A lot of experimental details are still needed before you can make a definitive conclusion,” Hudson said.
複製についても疑問があります。この研究結果は、他の種類の細胞や、スパイクタンパク質を使用する他のウイルスでも、再現できるのでしょうか? 細胞の年齢は関係するのでしょうか?「実験の詳細に不明な点が多いため、断定的な結論を出すことはできない」とハドソン研究員は述べました。

The Swedish researchers conducted an in vitro study, meaning it was conducted in a test tube or petri dish in a controlled lab environment. In vitro studies do not necessarily translate directly to what would happen in the much more complex biological environment of the body.
スウェーデンの研究者たちが行ったのは、in vitro(イン・ビトロ)研究です。つまり、コントロールされた研究室の環境下における、試験管やシャーレの中の研究ということです。in vitro(イン・ビトロ)研究で起きたことが、より複雑な生物学的環境である体内において同様に起きるとは、必ずしも言えないのです。

Unlike the narrower parameters of an in vitro study, there are multiple cell types, immune responses and DNA repair mechanisms at play in people. “Though they may have evidence that it happened in a cell line in an in vitro system, that doesn’t mean that’s the way it would act or behave in animals or people,” said Hudson. “Many studies have been done in vitro that don’t translate to animal model systems.”

Without replication in a study conducted on live animals or people, this study has limited clinical relevance to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Our ruling

The study, however, contradicts findings from previous studies that were also conducted on isolated cells in a lab environment. Until their results are replicated in human studies, this has limited bearing on COVID-19 vaccines.

PolitiFact – DNA damage from COVID-19 spike proteins in lab study does not apply directly to COVID-19 vaccines



Wikipedia – in vitro



One of the authors has raised concerns regarding the methodology employed in the study, the conclusions drawn and the insufficient consideration of laboratory staff and resources.
In order to keep the highest scientific standards, an in-depth investigation is initiated by the responsible editors together with the journal’s editorial office in collaboration with the editorial board, and in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidance. The article will be updated and any necessary corrections made at the conclusion of the investigation process.
Expression of Concern published on 22 December 2021


riho nakatani

riho nakatani





検索キーワード:核内に局在 主要なDNA修復タンパク質 損傷部位への移動を妨げ DNA損傷修復を阻害 機能的なB細胞やT細胞の生産を阻害 免疫不全 免疫系にダメージ 癌のリスクを増加させる ウメオ大学 Virus誌