


新型コロナの規制に違反した罪で1200ドルの罰金を科せられたカナダ人男性が、裁判所にウイルスを分離した証拠を要求したが、保健局が証拠を出せなかったため、男性は裁判に勝った! パンデミックは嘘だ!










Justice Centre statement about “Freedom Fighter Court Victory” video

Our legal team has reviewed the video circulating entitled: “Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!” that aired on a Stew Peters broadcast, August 3, 2021, announcing: “Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON!”

The Justice Centre has also reviewed some of the available associated legal documents regarding Court File Number 12110 00751 Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, arising out of a ticket given to Patrick James King, a resident of Penhold, Alberta, issued to Mr. King for allegedly contravening an Order under S.73(1) of the Public Health Act, Provincial Court action number A87988036R. 
司法センターはまた、アルバータ州のクイーンズベンチの裁判所ファイル番号1211000751について、関連する法的文書のいくつかを調査しました。これは、公衆衛生法 S.73(1)に対する命令違反の疑いでキング氏(アルバータ州ペンホルド在住のパトリック・ジェームズ・キング)に発行されたチケット(州裁判所訴訟番号A87988036R)から生じたものです。

Excerpts of one available transcript can be found below.

The video appears to contain several inaccuracies.

 It is unclear whether Mr. King fully understands the legal process he is involved in.

It appears that Mr. King was unsuccessful in his attempt to subpoena Alberta’s Chief Medical Health Officer.

In the government’s filed Originating Application, July 16, 2021, the government notes Mr. King obtained a subpoena for the CMOH Dr. Deena Hinshaw to give evidence in the Provincial Court proceeding (the ticket case).

The subpoena was issued by a Justice of the Peace under the Criminal Code, requesting the CMOH bring “all white papers describing the isolation of the COIVD-19 aka SARS-CoV-2 virus in human beings, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient”,

because “these white papers would have been integral in the crafting of the statutes made under the “Public Health Act” here in Alberta.”
なぜなら、「それらのホワイトペーパーは、ここアルバータ州の “公衆衛生法” に基づく法令の作成に不可欠だったはず」だからです。

The Government argued the subpoena was technically deficient and the Justice of the Peace had no jurisdiction to issue it.

The Government further stated, Mr. King has “no evidence” showing that “the evidence sought from the CMOH is likely to be material” [legal term for meaning relevant and related] to the provincial court ticket received.

“It is clear that Mr. King seeks evidence relating to the rationale for orders issued by the CMOH under the Act:

he seeks evidence about the ‘Crafting of the statutes’,” stated the Government’s Affidavit.
彼は “法令の作成” についての証拠を欲しがっています」と政府の宣誓供述書は述べています。

There do not appear to be any critical admissions by Dr. Hinshaw about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and this document has been prepared by the government’s legal team, not Dr. Hinshaw.

“The Provincial Court proceeding is about the December 5, 2020 enforcement of the law (when Mr. King was issued the ticket), not the rational for the law.
「地方裁判所の訴訟は、2020年12月5日の法執行(キング氏がチケットを発行されたときの訴訟)に関するものであり、法の論理的根拠に関するものではありません(X rational →  O rationale)。

The CMOH does not have, and Mr. King does not seek from the CMOH, any evidence about the ticket issued to Mr. King,” states the Government Affidavit.

The Judge hearing the case informed the Accused, Mr. Patrick King, that he had not properly filed a Charter challenge against the law as required to fight the law itself, and thus could only address the ticket issued to him.

There is no indication that Mr. King’s case is connected to the relaxing of Covid restrictions in Alberta which fully opened on July 1, 2021.

The Government of Alberta states they have opened the province due to achieving the government’s stated goal of 70% of Albertans receiving their first vaccine.

Whether that is the reason, remains to be discovered in future court  hearings.

The Justice Centre’s Charter challenge against lockdowns, first filed in December 2020, is still proceeding in Court.


Fact Check: Alberta Man Did NOT Prove COVID-19 Is Hoax, Restrictions NOT Dropped Because Of Him(LEAD STORIES)



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